Council of Affairs For Naturally Occurring Autochthons (CANOA) is the official council, governing body for the “Mississippian Confederacy of Nations; for Aborigine American People”(MCAAP). (CANOA) was established to serve the broad interests of American Aborigine People, as according to the United States Constitution Article 1. Section 2. Clause 3., “and excluding Indians not taxed-the Aborigines of this Land. We are a collective of Councilors leading to gain consensus on a constructive and promising vision for Aborigine American Indian, aka Indigenous, and their Ancestral Lands. Our governing guidelines are driven by the consensus of the members, which consists of the women’s council and a mens council. Together we make up the Grand Council as according to the THE GREAT LAW OF PEACE. The People of this Great Confederacy have rescinded the U S Birth Certificate and have returned to the Great Law of our ancestors.

Our Mission is to expose the United States successive administration to bring our people to extinction by way of “Constructive Genocide”. Whereas; United States constructed a series of Unlawful Treaties, Acts and ill-conceived Polices to remove us from our ancestral Lands, our ancestral Laws and our ancestral Culture. The most prominent of these are “The Indian Removal Act of 1830”, “The Racial Integrity Act of 1924” and “The Indian Relocation Act of 1956″, and The Negro Removal, by Urban Renewal” for forced relocation and displacement of the thousands of Aborigine American Indians by misnomer and euphemism .These acts and ill-conceived policies have a lasting impact on Indian Communities today, contributing to enforced Population Transfer, force assimilation, Gentrification, Perpetual Discrimination, Intergenerational wealth disparities, Community disinvestment and disempowerment.

CANOA remains true to its original purpose, to serve in the interconnected voice of the People. Our purposes, as outlined in our Nations Constitution, is to create a forum for unified development of government among Aborigine American governments in order to: (1) protection and counciling for Nation to Nation governance, enforcing the protections written in Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, and the fulfillment of H Cr 331 and treaty rights; (2) promote the economic development and health and welfare in our urban and rural communities; and (3) to re-introduce, educate and bring awareness to the public and our misnomered people of our natural and time immemorial existence. and (4) to make known the difference between Aborigine American People a.k.a as the American Indians as not to be confused with Native Americans, as proclaimed by Ronald Reagan in PROCLAMATION 5577. As we have always existed and are not destroyed as according to America’s propaganda history, whose intent was to create a paper trail of genocide against the so-called Indian Nations. 

We also set out to recover, preserve and utilize our prevalent rituals and cultures, along with our values and wisdom that live within our innate and triune interconnection with the universe and planet. 

We call for that which reaffirms that progress in promoting and effectively protecting our rights as Aborigine American, a.k.a. Indian, a.k.a. Indigenous peoples; as according to America Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People. (ADRIP) to secure and preserve our existence and the innate connection with all original life and the blood tie we carry through Olmec, Aztec, and Mayan ancestry and to access our heritage as the Onkwehonweh, to original Peoples of these lands.