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CANOA is America's leading council for "Indians not taxed in the United States Constitutions enumeration clause. Our lectures and presentations provide
Read MoreConstructive Genocide is a fairly recent phenomenon that was coined by Mimi Olom, Chief of the Mississippian Confederacy of Nation's
Read MoreThe comprehension of Government-to-government language and conversation is important to our expression on remedy and redress. The Indigenous and Tribal
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With your ongoing support of our projects and events, your generous sponsorship will make a tremendous impact on our causes and we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your dedication in advance.
An Event by providing direct financial support. Support a cause that resinates with you and your organization . a venue
Working to achieve Nation-to-Nation unity between Aborigine American Indians Across the Americas. Council of Affairs for Naturally Occurring Autochthons…
Read more →American History vs United States History. Redressing compulsory education.
Increasing access to healthy and fresh foods while eliminating city food deserts
The definition of Housing must be addressed on a Constitutional level and on lawful rights
Water is in the law of land and is governed by laws, not the corporation
We must return to the trinity of laws of the land, air, water. this is true protection for everyone.
World trade was an honorable system for thousands of years before the greed of corporate entities. Help us instate it.
Everyone must have the right to Identify with their heritage without penalty.
We are in the age of reset. Autochthonous Animals are returning. Lets honor them and save them from corporate greed.
There are many types of sponsorships. You can help put on an event or sponsor a cause
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