The comprehension of Government-to-government language and conversation is important to our expression on remedy and redress. The Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 is an International Labour Organization Convention, also known as ILO Convention 169, or C169. It is the major binding international convention concerning indigenous peoples and tribal peoples, and a forerunner of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. You can find and download the pdf to the Convention by clicking this link. You can also click this >>>link to go to the Convention website.
International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, defined territory, one government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states. It is also normally understood that a sovereign state is independent. The formation and protection of sustainable freedom, equality and justice in society depends totally on the exact sense of establishment of national sovereignty. Therefore, the basis of freedom, equality and right ruling is national sovereignty. Freedom in our society and in our state is limitless. Sovereignty is an attribute of states that is both an idea and a reality of Nation state power. It is one of the means, an important one, by which the government of a nation state seeks to ensure the best it possibly can for its people.
State. A political association that establishes sovereign power within a defined territorial area and possesses a monopoly of legitimate violence.
The distinguishing characteristic of the state. Sovereignty is the right to have absolute and unlimited power, either legal or political, within the territory of a state.
Characteristics and of features of states can be identified:
- it has the control of an identifiable population;
- It has the control of an identifiable geographical territory;
- it has high degrees of longevity compared to other social institutions;
- it is a structure of law in society;
- it is characterized by sovereignty.
The state can be seen as a system of laws. There is no legal authority above it either within its territory or in international society. It is sovereign within its territory, as the only law-making authority, and is bound only by those international treaties – international laws – it has agreed to accept.