CANOA is America’s leading council for “Indians not taxed in the United States Constitutions enumeration clause. Our lectures and presentations provide detailed narratives of American Indian encounters, focusing on educating how to stand as an American Indian before the Colonial Forum.
The primary purpose of a CANOA presentation is to share advanced Knowledge in Historiography. In context, this type of knowledge, when delivered in presentation form, generates sustainable advantages to the listener, especially as pertaining to capturing the mindset of the writers of history and the purpose for their narratives in the writing of it. CANOA presents in light of the adage that “history is written by the victor”; and as stated in the Nuremberg Diary by G. M. Gilbert, “The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused.” The aforementioned is most telling and should encourage all readers whose eyes fall upon this page to realize there must be at least two stories to be told on any historical timeline.
In most cases historical narratives created by the United States are laced with interpretation of the facts presented. The interpreter (author) will usually give an explanation to his stories to translate a desired feeling to the reader- sometimes reframing it to cause the desred emotional response. In the film industry this is defined as called poet licensing where the writer gives himself the freedom to depart from the facts of a matter or from the conventional rules of language when speaking or writing in order to create an effect. These films are called “Fiction”. The word fiction comes from the Latin word fictum, which means “created”. Now…this is a good way to remember what fiction is: if it has been created or made up by somebody, it is fiction. Fiction can be written or told, or acted on stage, in a movie, on television or radio. Thus, individuals or entities that represent or are associated with a government or state play the role as State Actors in many areas of government. It is State actors that shape and enforce legalities which do not comport with the Law Of The Land (The U. S. Constitution). Thr legalities are such things aws codes statutes and policies and address issues like climate change and determine the food intake their citizens diet. Sand rather than Law “legal fiction, ”. a rule assuming as true something that is clearly false. A fiction is often used to get around the provisions of constitutions and legal codes that legislators are hesitant to change or to encumber with specific limitations.
Where American History has been hidden but is now come to the light to provide information of truth and liberty. We find that when write American history it needs no interpretation. Thus it is stated by facts and the outcome of them allowing the reader to come to a Lawful conclusion.
So if you are an Aborigine American Indian who has had enough of being “down-with-the-struggle” and living under a legal fiction, our lectures and classes are for you–those Indians who realize, they can’t be both African and American; and that someday the Forum that created “colorism” as a Socially Constructed Identity has already determined to either deport you or hold you and your offspring hostage to Chattel servitude on your own land.
Chances are, many of you have come together and have discussed confronting the Forum for the Constructive Genocide perpetrated upon them for more than a century. If you are that Indian then you have more than likely gathered a few like-minded people who are willing and ready to take action.
But ask yourselves, are you prepared and able? In other words, you must question whether you have the skill and means to put forth and educated position. So before you and your group get started there are important rules and laws you need to know, because America is living under the jurisdiction of the most elaborate hoax of all time–“the legal fiction, which are acts that were never technically or lawfully true. Keeping in mind, ” a legal fiction” has no standing in law.
For more information see our brochure.